Goodbye to city librarian Christine. Thank you! Category: GeneralBy vbsmesen-admiMay 19, 2021 Author: vbsmesen-admi Post navigationPreviousPrevious post:Litter campaign in Mesen with L6 together with the city of MesenNextNext post:Happy with our kindergarten playground and toiletsRelated postsHappy with our kindergarten playground and toiletsMay 19, 2021Litter campaign in Mesen with L6 together with the city of MesenMay 19, 2021Visit New Zealand Ambassador and dancing Maori at our schoolMay 19, 2021Since the Easter holidays, the office of the management has been refurbished with a new entranceMay 19, 2021Communion celebrations in Messines in 2021 and 2022May 19, 2021
Since the Easter holidays, the office of the management has been refurbished with a new entranceMay 19, 2021