In addition to traditional teaching, we also strive to teach our schoolchildren the necessary digital knowledge and skills. In addition to great expertise from our teachers, this also requires continuous investment in digital learning resources. To achieve this, all classes (first to sixth grade) have been equipped with a digital board for some time now. In addition, each location has its own computer room
But we are continuing with our digitization!
For example, in the 2020/2021 school year, twenty Chromebooks were purchased for use in the first, second and third grades.
We also plan to make a computer available to every student of the fourth, fifth and sixth grade by 1 September 2022. We ensure that the students of the lower classes get a personalized access to the Scoodle and Bingel digital learning platform.
The kindergarten department will soon have 20 tablets. The preschoolers work with padlet, an easy-to-use digital bulletin board on which things can be placed and shared with parents, among others.
Our goal is to make permanent adjustments and, where necessary, to continue to invest